Post-op question

on 8/24/08 10:34 am - Rancho Cordova, CA
My surgery is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 4 (Sacramento - Dr. Fuller). I am invited to a social event on the Saturday eveming after the surgery (Sept. 6).  Is there any chance I might feel up to attending the event so soon after surgery?  It's only 5 miles from home and I wouldn't need to drive, but that will only be 2 days post-op.  My surgery is LRNY.
Sheryl in So Cali
on 8/24/08 10:53 am - San Clemente, CA
I know I would not have been able to attend anything after my surgery.  I was kept in the hospital for 5 days.

Remember, you are having major surgery even if it is laproscopic.  You will be medicated and will tire easily.

Of course, everyone is different and you will probably get many other answers from our educated board members.

Good luck in your journey


(deactivated member)
on 8/24/08 11:13 am - San Juan Capistrano, CA
RNY on 07/11/07 with
I agree with Sheryl.  This is major surgery, your only job right then is to take care of you.   That alone will keep you busy!
on 8/24/08 12:04 pm - Merced
everyone is different and you are not going to really know how you feel until then.  I went shopping for 2 hours on day 3 and on day 4 went over to visit with a friend and see her new baby horse.  My DH had to drive and both days I came home and crashed for 3 hours but felt fine.  Today is day 6 and I spent the last two days near a restroom and doing laundry.  But you cannot predict how you will react.  I would decline the invitation.  Just my 2 cents worth.
on 8/24/08 12:29 pm - Jamestown, CA
I had my RNY 8/19/08 and there is NO way I would have wanted to do anything a couple days after surgery. To day was the first day I put in real clothes. LOL!!
I would opt out if I were you.

on 8/24/08 12:53 pm - Hesperia, CA
I was quick to recover and quick to get out of hospital.  I got out in 26 hours.  But I can tell you for sure, that I could not have been social in 2 days.  All I wanted is to take a shower sit in my jamies and watch reruns of old movies.  I am currently 3 weeks post op and walking 5 miles and doing everything plus that I did before.  I went to the mall for 4 hours on day four but came home exausted, but I had to get it done.  I would say no and just spend a quiet evening at home in a good book or movie, with your jammies on sipping your water.  Just my humble opinion.

Living Life
on 8/24/08 1:33 pm - Riverside, CA

Everyone heals in different ways. I was up and running the day I got OUT of the hopital, never got to rest until about 2 week after surgery.  Would have wanted life that way, no, but that is just the way it was. I think I could have handle and social event for a few hours, or less. Depending on the type.


Kim B.
on 8/24/08 1:48 pm - Modesto, CA
I would have declined the invite as well. Had my surgery on June 3, you will be pertty sore on day 2 after surgery. Your job is to take care of you for right now, also riding in the car is not too much fun after surgery, you seem to feel every bump in your belly.  Ask your surgeon his opinion also.
Kim B
Diane C.
on 8/24/08 1:59 pm - Highland, CA
I know I wouldn't have been able to go, I was still in the hospital, and even tho I found the entire surgery painless, it was major surgery and took time to get over from being put under.  But as everyone has said, it is major surgery so DO NOT push yourself.  I had knee replacement, and was never put under and I barely made it to my sisters wedding 10 days after.  But everyone is different.

Good luck, Diane
on 8/25/08 1:26 am - Rancho Cordova, CA
Thank you everyone for the good advice.  I didn't think I'd be up to going out so soon. Now I won't feel so bad about declining.  I know when I had my gall bladder surgery 12 years ago, I didn't go out of the house for about 3 days afterwards. 
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